Georges & Laura
The first thing to say about Georges & Laura is that they are 2 friends sharing the same passion. Passionate about dancing as a couple, they went out together and as friends to salsa, bachata and Kizomba evenings together.
Passionate about dancing, they went out as soon as they could to all the parties and took lessons as much as they could. They discovered kizomba together via online videos in 2008, although kizomba had not yet started in Paris. They therefore trained using YouTube videos before being able to attend the first classes in Paris. The passion was present long before the Kizomba fad.

Their activity as teachers got off to a flying start.
in 2010 the demand for kizomba lessons exploded, Georges and Laura were part of the first generation of dancers and the second generation of teachers.
Friendly, available, simple, their educational quality toured the Ile-de-France and found themselves booked for the entire week in most departments.
A video of their blindfolded demo broadcast on YouTube made them known on the web, and also videos of online kizomba lessons, which allowed them to make themselves known to the entire kizomba community.
Despite the success and hype around kizomba and by extension kizomba teachers, they knew how to remain simple, and remained attached to human values. The star system affecting the festival environment, they preferred to remain local teachers, close to clients, giving lessons in schools, associations, evenings and workshops rather than touring festivals every weekend. According to Georges, we bring much more to kiz by teaching beginner students step by step over time until they know how to dance, rather than teaching students once at festivals and not seeing them again regularly. . They therefore created an association based on human values: the love of dance, sharing, simplicity and generosity. And they promise to embody the values and pass them on, because according to them, the good times spent together are much more important than the dance technique itself. In truth the dance is secondary.

With their 13 years of experience, Georges & Laura also has the reputation of being the best kizomba teachers in the capital. Their pedagogy is based on our natural way of learning. Simplification of movements, step by step, pace of practice. They teach you with sympathy and humor without judging you. Despite the success of their class, they continued to develop their teaching so that everyone felt comfortable with themselves and other dancers. The climate is as important as the course itself. Georges: "To help beginners feel comfortable, I had to work on myself, accept myself in order to be able to share it with my students. Self-acceptance, of being a beginner without judging yourself, and to take pleasure in his learning".